Rescue The Hen 2
Rescue The Hen 2
You are a hero, and you have to rescue the hens from the clutches of the crows. The hens have been kidnapped and held hostage in a bird cage, and you have to find them. You can use your crows to fly around and see if there are any flying crows anywhere near the hen cages. You can check for hidden objects by dragging your finger over them in order to see more details about them.
What's the scariest word in the English language? It's probably "hen." In case you weren't aware, hens are pretty scary. They can lay as many as 40,000 eggs a year and they do it on purpose - they're called egg hens! Eggs are a significant source of protein for birds, but they are also high in cholesterol. So where do all these fluffy little eggs come from?
Rescue The Hen 2 is the second of our ‘Try This’ game reviews. In this installment, we are playing a hidden object type game called Rescue The Hen. You might think that this would be an easy review to write, and you’d be right.
How to play Rescue The Hen 2
Using Mouse